The City Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 5:30 p.m. The City Council meets in the Council Chambers of Fulton City Hall, 415 11th Avenue. Council meetings are open to the public.
City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
March 20, 2017
Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the City Clerk to call the roll. On roll call Mayor H. VanZuiden, Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Mike VanZuiden, Wes Letcher and Dan Nederhoff answered present. Also in attendance Cory Flack (Police Officer), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Dale Sikkema (Zoning Director), Amanda Fosdick (Treasurer) and Tammy Garibay (Deputy Clerk).
City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
March 6, 2017
Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:28 PM and directed the City Clerk to call the roll. On roll call Mayor H. VanZuiden, Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher and Dan Nederhoff answered present. Mike VanZuiden was absent. Also in attendance James Rhoades (Chief of Police), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), Regina Lehman (Tourism Director), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Dale Sikkema (Zoning Director), Amanda Fosdick (Treasurer) and Tammy Garibay (Deputy Clerk).
City of Fulton
Special Called Council Meeting and Budget Workshop
Monday February 27, 2017
Pro Tem Mayor VanKampen called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, and Wes Letcher answered, “present.” Mike VanZuiden and Howard VanZuiden were absent. Also in attendance were Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director), Tammy Garibay (Deputy Clerk), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), James Rhoades (Chief of Police), Jeremy Leitzen (Police Officer) and Dwayne Hamilton (Police officer).
City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
February 21, 2017
Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the City Clerk to call the roll. On roll call Mayor H. VanZuiden, Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher and Mike VanZuiden answered present. Dan Nederhoff was absent. Also in attendance James Rhoades (Chief of Police), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), Regina Lehman (Tourism Director), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Dale Sikkema (Zoning Director), Amanda Fosdick (Treasurer) and Tammy Garibay (Deputy Clerk).
City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2017
Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the City Clerk to call the roll. On roll call Mayor H. VanZuiden, Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher and Mike VanZuiden answered present. Also in attendance James Rhoades (Chief of Police), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), Regina Lehman (Tourism Director), Officer Pridemore (Police Officer), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Dale Sikkema (Zoning Director) and Tammy Garibay (Deputy Clerk).
City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2017
Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:29 PM and directed the City Clerk to call the roll. On roll call Mayor H. VanZuiden, Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher and Mike VanZuiden answered present. Also in attendance James Rhoades (Chief of Police), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), Regina Lehman (Tourism Director), Amanda Fosdick (Treasurer), Dale Sikkema (Zoning Director) and Tammy Garibay (Deputy Clerk).
City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
January 3, 2017
Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the City Clerk to call the roll. On roll call Mayor H. VanZuiden, Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher and Mike VanZuiden answered present. Also in attendance Bill Shirk (City Attorney), James Rhoades (Chief of Police), Dan Clark (Public Works Director) and Tammy Garibay (Deputy Clerk).
City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2016
Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the City Clerk to call the roll. On roll call Mayor H. VanZuiden, Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher and Mike VanZuiden answered present. Also in attendance Bill Shirk (City Attorney), James Rhoades (Chief of Police), Amanda Fosdick (City Treasurer), Regina Lehman (Tourism Director), Dale Sikkema (Zoning Director) and Tammy Garibay (Deputy Clerk).
City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2016
Pro Tem Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Pro Tem Mayor H. VanZuiden, Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Margaret Crosthwaite, Dan Nederhoff, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher and Mike VanZuiden answered present.” Margaret Crosthwaite was late. Also in attendance were Bill Shirk (City Attorney), James Rhoades (Chief of Police), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), Regina Lehman (Tourism Director), Tammy Garibay and Dale Sikkema (Zoning Director).
City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2016
Mayor Russell called the meeting to order at 5:30 and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Mayor Russell, Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Margaret Crosthwaite, Dan Nederhoff, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher and Howard VanZuiden answered present.” Mike VanZuiden was absent. Also in attendance were Bill Shirk (City Attorney), James Rhoades (Chief of Police), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), Regina Lehman (Tourism Director), Tammy Garibay and Amanda Fosdick (City Treasurer).
The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Royann Mathews gave the invocation.