The City Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 5:30 p.m. The City Council meets in the Council Chambers of Fulton City Hall, 415 11th Avenue. Council meetings are open to the public.
City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
February 1, 2016
Ald. H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Mike VanZuiden and Howard VanZuiden answered “present.” Also in attendance were Ed Cannon (City Administrator), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), James Rhoades (Chief of Police), and Clink Kettler (Zoning Officer).
The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Kevin Verhoeven gave the invocation.
During the communication from visitors Ald. H. VanZuiden verified all present were here regarding matters on the agenda. Wes Letcher was present to accept the Third Ward Alderman Appointment. Julie Lonergan with Park Vista Senior Housing Management was present to discuss developing an assisted living facility in Fulton. Jeff DenBesten and Richard Farwell were present to help give an update from the Drives Exploratory Committee.
First, Ald. H. VanZuiden asked if there were any questions regarding the items on the consent agenda. Items included on the consent agenda; approve the meeting minutes from January 18, 2016 and appoint Wes Letcher as the new Third Ward Alderman. Ald. Mask asked to make one correction to the meeting minutes on page 2 paragraph 4 she asked how much it cost to improve 9th Street not 10th Ave. Public Works Director Clark estimated the cost for that improvement to be $40,000. With no further questions or concerns Ald. M. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Mask to approve the items listed on the consent agenda. Roll call vote (7 yes).
Second, Julie Lonergan gave a presentation on the proposal to develop a 40-45 unit assisted living facility in Fulton. Julie is experienced when it comes to this type of facility, she owns one and operates a few other senior housing facilities. These facilities offer dining, healthcare, activities and much more. The next step in the process would be to get a contractor, address the city administration and get community input. Ald. H. VanZuiden asked, “What the time frame is on building this facility?” If everything goes as planned there should be a shovel in the ground this fall, taking 10-12 months to build the facility. Ald. Mask knows the city could use an assisted living facility in town and expressed the need for this type of facility in our community. Ald. M. VanZuiden asked, “When there would be town hall meetings?” It was expressed the meeting should happen in the spring long before putting a shovel in the ground.
Third, Ald. Mask, Ald. VanKampen, Richard Farwell and Jane Luker (not present due to back surgery) gave a presentation on the update from the Drives Exploratory Committee. It was expressed there are two different option to keep the building. The first option is the endowment fund at 707 10th Ave, the Martin House. Martin House would go to the Presbyterian Church so they can decide what they would like to do with it. The Martin House endowment is currently $300,000 and would look to raise the endowment to $500,000 over five years. The second option would be renovations and utilization of the building. Currently already have one grant in the amount of $100,000 and there are 13 more possible grants to apply for. Would also depend on private/local donations and rental income. This option was compared to the Eagle Point Renovation. With the development of the Drives building, it will be used as a museum, reception hall, small shops, snack bar and business rental. Richard Farwell feels the city should never sell the Drives building property. Mr. Farwell says, “The building is a benefit to the community, has a beautiful view and would make an ideal reception hall.” Jeff DenBesten explained the structure/shape of the building is sound. Jeff knows a majority of the windows in the building have been replaced, the roof has been redone, there are 5 separate heating/air systems and the asbestos is fine as long as it is not disrupted. Ald. Mask explained that the needs and expectation will change and the renovations will happen in phases, which will help get pledges. Ald. M. VanZuiden does not believe we should ask for any of the proceeds from the Martin House if the church would choose to sell the property.
Old Business:
The city received a grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity in the amount of $406,575. This grant will be used to improve the sanitary sewers in the Third Ward. It was also brought to attention the current situation with the Ammon’s; they are needing to get an engineering drawing. An engineering drawing will cost the Ammon’s approximately $3,500. The city is not able to do anything further until the drawing has been completed.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Russell included his written report.
Administrator’s Report:
Administrator Cannon included his written report.
Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to enter closed session to discuss collective bargaining, setting the price for municipally owned property, and personnel. Roll call vote (8 yes). The Council entered closed session at 6:48 PM.
Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to exit closed session. Roll call vote (8 yes). The Council exited closed session at 7:31 PM.
With no further business, Ald. M. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to adjourn. With voice agreement the meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM.
Minutes recorded by,
Lindsey Renkes
Fulton City Clerk
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Pledge of allegiance
4. Communication from visitors
5. Consent Agenda (All items in the consent agenda will be enacted by a single motion and roll call vote. Any item may be removed upon request by the Mayor or any Alderman and considered individually after all other items of business on the consent agenda).
A. Approval of January 18, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (pages 1-3)
B. Third Ward Alderman Appointment
Summary: Mayor Russell recommends Wes Letcher to serve as Third Ward Alderman. Wes will serve until the next consolidated election in April 2017.
Action: Motion to approve Consent Agenda
6. Rule on Items Removed from Consent Agenda
7 Items for Consideration:
A. Assisted Living
Summary: Julie Lonergan with Park Vista Senior Housing Management will present a proposal to develop a 40-unit assisted living facility in Fulton.
Action: Discussion only
B. Drives Building Update (pages 4-9)
Summary: Alderman Mask and Jane Luker will give an update from the Drives Exploratory Committee
Action: Discussion only
8. Old Business
A. Community Development Block Grant Award (pages 10-11)
Summary: Fulton received a $406,575 grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to line sanitary sewers in the Third Ward. The $781,595 sewer lining project was identified in the 2011 Capital Improvement Plan. Fulton will use $331,595 in matching funds from the 2012 Capital Infrastructure Bonds. Lining the sewers will extend the life of Fulton’s sewer infrastructure in the Third Ward and significantly reduce ground water infiltration.
9. Reports
Mayor (page 12)
Administrator (pages 13-23)
Aldermen Reports
9. Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining, setting the price for municipally owned property, and personnel
10. Return to Open Session
11. Adjourn
Mayor Russell called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Sue VanKampen and Howard VanZuiden answered, “present.” Ald. Margaret Crosthwaite and Mike Van Zuiden were absent. Also in attendance were Ed Cannon (City Administrator), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director), Amanda Fosdick (City Treasurer), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), James Rhoades (Chief of Police) and Clink Kettler (Zoning Officer).
The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Wayne gave the invocation.
During the communication from visitors, Randy Buikema was present to make sure roads will be closed during their run, “Freezin for a Reason!” It was noted they had 85 participants last year and hope for nicer weather to bring out more participants. Randy explained there will be three different groups traveling to Haiti within the next year. Also we had Denny Pape from Moring Disposal Midwest at the meeting to answer any questions about the agreement to be approved.
Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions or comments regarding the last regular City Council Minutes. With no further questions Ald. Mask motioned, seconded but Ald. VanKampen to approve the January 4, 2016 regular council meeting minutes. Roll call vote (5 yes, 2 absent) motion carried.
Next, the Council reviewed the Treasure’s Report. Ald. Mask asked why the city is paying for the Midwest Museum membership fee; Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director) is going to find out what the fee is for and why the city is paying it. With no further questions Ald. H. Van Zuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Field to approve the January 2016 bill list. Roll call vote (5 yes, 2 absent).
Next, the Council reviewed the Treasure’s Report. Ald. Mask asked about the Tax Levy Revenue, Treasurer Amanda Fosdick pointed out that this amount is behind from one year ago. Ald. Nederhoff asked if the December loan payment from Fulton Lodging has been made to this date yet, it has not been but Treasurer Amanda Fosdick was going to check on it. With no further questions Ald. H. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Nederhoff to the Treasure’s Report. Roll call vote (5 yes, 2 absent).
The first item on the agenda was City Clerk Oath of Office. Lindsey Renkes took the oath of office as City Clerk.
The second item on the agenda was the Freezin for a Reason street closure request. Randy Buikema was there on behalf of the local churches raising money for a mission trip to Haiti to answer any questions regarding the street closure and make sure the bike path is clear of ice/snow for the run. With no further discussion Ald. Field motioned, seconded by Ald. H. VanZuiden to approve the street closure request. Roll call vote (5 yes, 2 absent).
The third item on the agenda was the Moring Disposal and Curbside recycling Agreement. In order to understand the agreement Director Lehman clarified a resident is allowed to set out three bags of trash or three trash cans weighing 35 lbs. Any additional bag or can must have a sticker. The bulky waste pick up will be the first weekend in October; yard waste will remain the same. Ald. Mask appreciated the mass mail sent out to Fulton residents regarding the updates to service. Ald. Field asked about the percentage of people who put out four bags compared to one, Denny Pape with Moring Disposal did not have exact numbers but the goal is to encourage people to recycle more. With no further questions, Ald. H. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Mask to approve the agreement between City of Fulton and Moring Disposal. Roll call vote (5 yes, 2 absent).
The fourth item on the agenda was the ordinance to establish a Consent Agenda for the City Council. City administrator Cannon pointed out that any alderman can remove an item from the Consent Agenda to vote on it separately. With no further comments Ald. Nederhoff motioned, seconded by Ald. Mask to approve the ordinance. Roll call vote (5 yes, 2 absent).
The fifth item on the agenda was regarding the Motor Fuel Tax Resolution. Public works director Dan Clark went over the maintenance costs provided pointing out there should be extra rock salt and to improve another road or two. Ald. Mask asked how much it was to improve 10th Ave and how do we decide which roads need to be fixed next. Dan Clark estimated the cost was approximately $100,000, which was about one mile and there is project book that listed which roads are priority to be improved. With no further questions, Ald. H VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to approve the Motor Fuel Tax Resolution. Roll call vote (5 yes, 2 absent).
The sixth item on the agenda was to discuss the Recommendation to change City Council meeting from twice a month to one a month. Ald. Mask suggested the idea in consideration of saving money and people’s time. Ald. Field said it is not going to work. City Attorney Shirk mentioned that any meeting can be cancelled with a three-day notice. In order to change the meetings there would have to be a change to the current ordinance. It was suggested the 1st Monday of the month would be for Committee’s and the 3rd Monday would be the City Council Meeting. The change would be comparable to a school board meeting, one night for approximately three to five hours.
Old Business:
Ald. VanKampen asked the Special Event Policy to be put back on the agenda for discussion.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Russell included his written report.
Administrator’s Report:
Administrator Cannon included his written report.
Police Chief’s Report:
Chief Rhoades included his written report.
RFCC/Tourism Director’s Report:
Director Lehman included her written report.
Public Works Director’s Report:
Director Clark expressed the need for dredging at the Marina in order for larger boats to exit the south end, currently there are $85,000 in reserves for the purpose of dredging. Also they would like to use reserves to do maintenance to the docks.
Zoning Officer Report:
Officer Kettler reported there is nothing new and currently at a stand still.
With no further business, Ald. H. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Field to adjourn. With voice agreement the meeting was adjourned at 6:47 PM.
Minutes recorded by,
Lindsey Renkes
Fulton City Clerk
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Pledge of allegiance
4. Communication from visitors
5. Approve December 7, 2015 Regular Council Meeting minutes (pages 1-3)
6. Approve Bill List (located at end of packet)
7. Approve Treasurer’s Report (pages 4-12)
8. Items for Consideration (New business)
A. City Clerk Oath of Office (page 13)
B. Freezin for a Reason street closure request (pages 14-16)
Summary: Local churches request street closures for a 5K race to raise funds for a mission trip to Haiti. The race is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Saturday, February 13th.
Action: Approve request
C. Moring Solid Waste Disposal and Curbside recycling Agreement (pages 17-30)
Summary: Garbage and recycling collection agreement between City of Fulton and Moring Disposal for a term beginning December 1, 2015 through November 30, 2020. Garbage service is for up to three, 35-pound cans or bags, and a $2.00 sticker fee for any additional bags or cans above the allotted amount. Stickers will be sold at Fulton City Hall, Fulton Shell station, and in Clinton at HyVee and the BP Gas station on 19th Ave.N.
Action: Approve agreement
D. Ordinance to Establish a Consent Agenda for the City Council (pages 31-32)
Summary: Consolidates routine matters under a single motion and vote by the City Council.
Action: Approve Ordinance
E. Motor Fuel Tax Resolution (pages 33-35)
Summary: Each year Fulton must pass a resolution approving MFT estimates for approved projects.
Action: Approve MFT Resolution
F. Recommendation to change City Council meetings from twice a month to once a month.
Summary: Proposal by Ald. Mask.
Action: Discussion only
9. Old Business
10. Reports
Mayor (pages 36-38)
Administrator (pages 39-42)
Police Chief (pages 43-45)
RFCC/Tourism Director (pages 46-53)
11. Adjourn
Mayor Russell called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Mike VanZuiden and Howard VanZuiden answered “present.” Ald. Len Janis was absent. Also in attendance were Ed Cannon (City Administrator), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), James Rhoades (Chief of Police), and Clink Kettler (Zoning Officer).
The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Kevin Verhoeven gave the invocation.
During the communication from visitors Mayor Russell noted that everyone present was here regarding matters on the agenda. Jeff DenBesten and Greg Hardy from Timken Drives were present regarding the Vacation ordinance, after the vote Mayor Russell asked them if they were happy with the decision and when they were planning on starting the work. DenBesten and Hardy were happy with the decision and expressed they were going to wait until the weather changed with a general date of June 2016.
Mayor Russell with regret announced the resignation of Len Janis from the City Council (Ward 3) effective immediately. Due to ongoing health issues Janis will no longer be able to serve the City of Fulton.
Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions or comments regarding the last regular City Council meeting minutes. With no further questions Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to approve the December 21, 2015 regular council meeting minutes. Roll call vote (7 yes, 1 absent) motioned carried.
The first item on the agenda was to appoint the new City Clerk. Mayor Russell pointed out the City Clerk term will be through the remaining term (May 2017). Ald. Field motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to appoint Lindsey Renkes as the new City Clerk. Roll call vote (7 yes, 1 absent) motioned carried.
Second item on the agenda was to discuss establishing a consent agenda for the City Council. Ald. Barbara Mask asked a few questions regarding the change to a consent agenda; City Attorney Bill Shirk clarified the questions asked, noting that the mayor or alderman can remove an item from the agenda and vote separately on that item. The consent agenda will eliminate multiple roll calls and speed up the process and flow of the meeting. The ordinance to establish a consent agenda for the City Council will be amended, discussed and voted on at a later date.
The third item on the agenda was the ordinance vacating a portion of 18th Ave North of Lots 5, 8, and 9 in Block 11 of Blake’s Addition, City of Fulton. City Administrator Ed Cannon has been working with employees of Timken Drives in order to satisfy their need, before voting on the ordinance the price mentioned throughout the process was 0.30 per square foot which comes to a total of $1,680. City Attorney Shirk clarified that they must sell the land for something since it is more than half of the total lots. With no further questions Ald. M. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the ordinance. Roll call vote (7 yes, 1 absent).
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Russell expressed his appreciation for Ald. Janis, stating he would be sending him a thank you card. He also asked for any ideas on who could replace his spot until the term expires. Mayor Russell also shared the thank you notes he received from John Blount and Tammy Garibay in appreciation of the Christmas bonus. He also wanted to congratulate the town on raising $10,000 fro the salvation army, $9,000 for the families of Fulton to make sure all kids have presents under the tree and 5,000 meals were served at the Christmas dinner at the fire station.
Administrator’s Report:
Administrator Cannon included his written report and pointed out the Rock Island Economic Development bought four properties and plan on starting construction soon will a completion time of June 2016. Cannon also mentioned Fulton qualifies for the USDA Rural Business Development Grant, we have missed the 2016 deadline but can wait until 2017 to apply. The grant is for up to $99,000 with an expected cost to fix the water main of $200,000. If granted the funds the remaining amount would come from bonds. It was also noted City Attorney Shirk checked into the Liquor licenses and video gaming and we do not have the power to decide who can or cannot get a gaming licenses, they come hand in hand when granting a liquor license.
Chief of Police Rhoades wanted to express appreciation for the Christmas bonus the officers received, he knows how hard they work and the bonus was a good way to reward them.
Public Works Director Clark also wanted to express appreciation for the Christmas bonus; he had many of them verbally thank him for the bonus.
Ald. Field motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to adjourn. With voice agreement, the meeting adjourned at 5:58 PM.
Minutes recorded by,
Lindsey Renkes
Fulton City Clerk
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Pledge of allegiance
4. Communication from visitors
5. Approval of December 21, 2015 minutes (pages 1-3)
6. Items for Consideration
A. City Clerk Appointment
Summary: Mayor Russell appoints Lindsey Renkes to serve as City Clerk. Lindsey Renkes will serve the unexpired term of former City Clerk Jackie Wilken (until May 2017). This appointment requires the advice and consent of the city council.
Action: Approve Appointment
B. Ordinance to Establish a Consent Agenda for the City Council (pages 4-5)
Summary: Consolidates routine matters under a single motion and vote by the City Council.
Action: Discussion Only (first reading)
7. Old Business
A. Ordinance Vacating a Portion of 18th Avenue North of Lots 5,8, and 9 in Block 11 of Blake’s Addition, City of Fulton (pages 6-8)
Summary: Vacation request by Timken Drives.
Action: Approve Vacation Ordinance
8. Reports
Administrator (page 9)
Aldermen Reports
9. Adjourn
Mayor Russell called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue Van Kampen, Len Janis, Mike Van Zuiden and Howard Van Zuiden answered “present.” Also in attendance were Ed Cannon- City Administrator, Bill Shirk- City Attorney, Regina Lehman- Tourism & Community Services Director, Dave Bartels- Patrol Officer, and Amanda Fosdick – City Treasurer.
The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Roy Ann Mathews gave the invocation.
During communication from visitors Mayor Russell introduced Lindsey Renkes. Ms. Renkes is interested in the City Clerk position.
Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions or comments on the last regular City Council meeting minutes. With no further discussion Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Van Kampen to approve the December 7, 2015 Regular Council Meeting minutes. Roll call vote/all yes/ motion carried.
Next, the Council reviewed the Bill List. Ald. Field asked about an expense for a motor at the marina. Administrator Cannon clarified the use of the motor. Ald. Field also asked about an advertising expense. TCS Director Lehman clarified the advertisement will be ran in four issues. Ald. Van Kampen asked about an expense for a directional bore. Administrator Cannon explained that Public Works had to bore under Highway 84 for the new development at the intersection of Highway 136 and 84. Ald. Mask asked about expenses for Nextel and cell phone reimbursements. Administrator Cannon explained the Police Department and Public Works use radios and cell phones to communicate and these are the costs for them to do so effectively. With no further questions, Ald. Field motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the bill list. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.
Next, the Council reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Janis to approve the Treasurer’s Report. With no further discussion there was a roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.
The first item on the agenda was the 2015 Property Tax Levy and Bond Abatement Ordinances. The 2015 property tax levy is $495,467. This is a 5% increase over 2014. Additionally two ordinances abating $355,158 in debt service obligation on three General Obligation Bonds (Series 2012A, 2012B, and 2012C) are also being presented to the Council for consideration. The abatement ordinances must be filed with the County Clerk and notifies the County Clerk not to levy taxes for these debt payments. Ald. Mask voiced her concern about making a decision based on the possibility that there will be a tax freeze. Ald. Mike Van Zuiden reminded the Council of their discussion during their Budget Planning Workshop and how this was needed to balance the budget. Ald. Mike Van Zuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Nederhoff to approve 2015 Tax Levy Ordinance 1531 and Bond Abatement Ordinances 1532 & 1533. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.
Second, Administrator Cannon explained that Timken requested the city vacate the eastern 100 feet of the 800 block of 18th Avenue. The Council reviewed the maps provided in the agenda to get a better idea of the request. Ald. Mask said she was supportive of the request. City Attorney Shirk told the Council they’d have to charge something per square foot for the request.
Third, Administrator Cannon submitted a Request for Proposal to solicit proposals to replace the city accounting software. Administrator Cannon explained that the average lifespan of municipal software is 7-9 years. The City of Fulton’s accounting software is about 20 years old. They are having compatibility issues and at risk of losing a significant amount of data. The cost to replace the software would be $25,000- $35,000, whereas the cost to upgrade would be around $6000. Ald. Crosthwaite motioned, seconded by Ald. Janis to approve the request for proposal. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.
Fourth, Mayor Russell explained that a Christmas bonus of $200 for Fulton full-time employees and $100 for part-time employees has been given since 2003. He said this is not an obligation, nor part of the employees’ benefits package, but a way for the Council to let employees know they appreciate their work. Ald. Field motioned, seconded by Ald. Mike Van Zuiden to approve the bonus. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.
Fifth, Mayor Russell wanted to inform the Council that there is concern with the number of liquor/video gaming licenses the city has. If there are new businesses coming to town then will there be enough licenses for everyone. Mayor Russell clarified that no new business has inquired about getting a license yet.
Lastly, there has been a request for additional self-storage buildings on someone’s personal property which is already zoned industry. Mayor Russell said there are already so many storage units in this city that it’d be nice to see industry zoned property to be used for a business that would generate jobs. Ald. Mike Van Zuiden agreed the city has too many storage units, but isn’t interested in telling someone what to do with their personal property.
Mayor Russell included his written report.
Administrator Cannon included his written report.
Patrol Officer Bartels reported that they think the person who burglarized Shell is the same person who has committed other burglaries in neighboring communities.
With no further business, Ald. Mike Van Zuiden moved, seconded by Ald. Van Kampen to adjourn. With voice agreement the meeting adjourned at 6:42 PM.
Minutes recorded by,
Jackie Wilkin
Fulton City Clerk
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Pledge of allegiance
4. Communication from visitors
5. Approve December 7, 2015 Regular Council Meeting minutes (pages 1-3)
6. Approve Bill List (located at end of packet)
7. Approve Treasurer’s Report (pages 4-12)
8. Items for Consideration
A. 2015 Property Tax Levy and Bond Abatement Ordinances (pages 13-29)
Summary: The 2015 property tax levy is $495,467. This is a 5% increase over 2014. Additionally two ordinances abating $355,158 in debt service obligation on three (3) General Obligation Bonds (Series 2012A, 2012B, and 2012C) are also being presented to the Council for consideration. The abatement ordinances must be filed with the County Clerk and notifies the County Clerk not to levy taxes for these debt payments.
Action: Approve 2015 Tax Levy Ordinance and Bond Abatement Ordinances
B. Street Vacation Request (pages 30-31)
Summary: Timken requests the city vacate the eastern 100 feet of the 800 block of 18th Avenue.
Action: Discussion
C. Municipal Accounting and Utility Billing Software Replacement Request for Proposals
(pages 32-48)
Summary: RFP to solicit proposals to replace the city accounting software.
Action: Approve RFP
D. Staff Christmas Bonus
Summary: A Christmas bonus of $200 for Fulton full-time and $100 for part-time employees is recommended. The Christmas bonus is a practice dating back to 2003.
Action: Approve bonus.
E. Fulton Liquor Licenses
Summary: Request to increase number of available licenses
Action: Discussion
F. Self-Storage Facilities
Summary: Request for additional self-storage buildings
Action: Discussion
9. Old Business
10. Reports
Administrator (page 49-52)
Police Chief (page 53)
Aldermen Report
11. Adjourn
Mayor Russell called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Sue Van Kampen, Len Janis, and Howard Van Zuiden answered “present.” Ald. Mike Van Zuiden was absent and Ald. Margaret Crosthwaite arrived a few minutes late. Also in attendance were Ed Cannon- City Administrator, Bill Shirk- City Attorney, Dan Clark- PW Director, Regina Lehman- Tourism & Community Services Director, James Rhoades- Chief of Police and Clink Kettler- Zoning Officer.
The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Wayne gave the invocation.
During communication from visitors Ald. Field asked if they can discuss Christmas bonuses for city employees at tonight’s meeting. Mayor Russell said they will add it to the agenda for December 21st. They could not vote on that tonight since it wasn’t on the agenda.
Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions or comments on the last regular City Council meeting minutes. With no further discussion Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Howard Van Zuiden to approve the November 16, 19, and 30, 2015 Regular and Continuation Council Meeting minutes. Roll call vote/6 yes 2 absent/ motion carried.
The first item on the agenda was a report from the Fulton Chamber of Commerce. April Eshelman, Director of the Fulton Chamber of Commerce, gave their financial report from the last six months. The Chamber is asking the City of Fulton for the $13,500 for next year again. She explained that they have three fundraisers worked into next year so they will hopefully not need the City’s assistance the following year. Ald. Mask asked where they make their most funds now. Ms. Eshelman said the largest portion of their revenues came from dues from businesses and those memberships are comparable to last years’ numbers. Mayor Russell thanked her for the report.
Second, Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve ordinance establishing rates for solid waste disposal. The ordinance establishes new garbage fees which include a $.80 monthly administrative fee. Roll call vote/ 6 yes, 1 no, 1 absent/ motion carried.
Third, Administrator Cannon reviewed a Land Use Plan for the 112 acres in the Industrial Center. The Land Use Plan was created by the Fulton Industrial Council and it included: Site Description, Development Goals and Objectives, Commercial District, Industrial District, Target Industries, and Other Takeways from the Land Use Meeting.
Fourth, Illinois Open Meeting Act requires municipalities to give public notice of its annual schedule of regular meetings at the beginning of each calendar or fiscal year. Ald. Janis motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the calendar. Roll call vote/ 7 yes, 1 absent/ motion carried.
Fifth, the Council reviewed the 2016 Municipal Priorities List that were established during the November 19th and 30th Budget Priority Workshops. Ald. Howard Van Zuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the priority list with the following exceptions: remove Housing Priority 4 – Trailer Park Beautification (because it’s privately owned) and adding to Housing Priority 2 “develop assisted living housing”. Roll call vote/ 7 yes, 1 absent/ motion carried.
Lastly, Administrator Cannon said the 2015 property tax estimate is $495,467, which represents a 5% increase over 2014. He also explained that he prepared a preliminary budget this fall which showed the City of Fulton will have about a $50,000 deficit for next year. Because of the deficit Administrator Cannon is recommending a 5% increase for the 2015 Property Tax Levy.
Mayor Russell included his written report.
Administrator Cannon included his written report and pointed out his Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit bids to replace the city’s accounting and utility billing software. He will present bids in January.
PW Director Clark said he is receiving a lot of calls about the condition of alleys in town. He said they service them in the fall and spring and it’s because of all the rain that people are having issues.
Chief of Police Rhoades reported that he attended a meeting at the Thomson Federal Prison. They currently have 98 minimum security inmates and about 235 staff members with about 17 more starting in January.
TCS Director Lehman reported that the Christmas Walk was very well attended. She also started a 3rd- 5th grade Kid’s Club in the Community Center.
Ald. Mask submitted the Martin House monthly financial report.
Ald. Van Kampen motioned, seconded by Ald. Howard Van Zuiden to enter closed session to discuss collective bargaining matters and set the price for sale or lease of city-owned property. Roll call vote/ 7 yes, 1 absent/ motion carried. The Council entered closed session at 6:38 PM.
Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Van Kampen to exit closed session. Roll call vote/ 7 yes, 1 absent/ motion carried. The Council exited closed session at 6:57 PM.
With no further business, Ald. Field moved, seconded by Ald. Van Kampen to adjourn. With voice agreement the meeting adjourned at 6:57 PM.
Minutes recorded by,
Jackie Wilkin
Fulton City Clerk
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Pledge of allegiance
4. Communication from visitors
5. Approval of November 16, 19, and 30, 2015 Regular and Continuation Meeting minutes (pages 1-5)
6. Items for Consideration
A. Report from Fulton Chamber of Commerce
B. Ordinance Establishing Rates for Solid Waste Disposal (pages 6-7)
Summary: Establishes new garbage fees which include a $0.80 monthly administrative fee.
Action: Approve ordinance
C. 112-Acre Land Use Plan (pages 8-10)
Summary: Recommendations from the Fulton Industrial Council.
Action: Discussion
D. 2016 Municipal Calendar (page 11)
Summary: Illinois Open Meeting Act requires municipalities to give public notice of its annual schedule of regular meetings at the beginning of each calendar or fiscal year.
Action: Approve Calendar
E. 2016 Municipal Priority List (page 12)
Summary: Municipal priorities established during Nov 19th and Nov 30th Budget Priority Workshops.
Action: Approve Priority List
F. 2015 Property Tax Levy Estimate (pages 13-17)
Summary: The 2015 property tax estimate is $495,467, which represents a 5% increase over 2014.
Action: Discussion
7. Old Business
8. Reports
Mayor (pages 18-20)
Administrator (pages 21-22)
Aldermen Reports
Martin House Report (pages 23-24)
9. Closed Session to discuss collective bargaining matters and to set the price for sale or lease of city –owned property.
10. Return to Open Session
11. Adjourn