De Immigrant Windmill

City Council Meeting Minutes

The City Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 5:30 p.m.  The City Council meets in the Council Chambers of Fulton City  Hall, 415 11th Avenue.  Council meetings are open to the public.

Regular City Council Meeting
September 21, 2015
5:30 PM

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Pledge of allegiance

4. Communication from visitors

5. Approve September 8, 2015 Regular Council Meeting minutes (pages 1-3)

6. Approve Bill List (end of packet)

7. Approve Treasurer’s Report (pages 4-13)

8. Items for Consideration

A. Presentation by Fulton Lodge #189

Summary: Fulton Masonic Lodge is presenting a donation for the Community Neighborhood Park

B. Ordinance No 1527 Authorizing Sale of Municipally Owned Real Estate, and Cash Sale Real Estate Contract (pages 14-20)

Summary: Ordinance authorizes the sale of 407 24th Ave. to Mr. Paul Banker for $3,200.00. Mr. Banker proposes to construct a 1,600 St. Ft. storage facility on the site, which will require a zoning variance.

Action: Approve Ordinance and Real Estate Contract

C. First Addendum to Grant Agreement, and Community Benefit Agreement for the Illinois Attorney General National Foreclosure Settlement. (pages 21-24)

Summary: The First Addendum changes Fulton from a “funded” to a “non-funded” partner of the Northwestern Illinois Housing Coalition. The Community Benefit Agreement specifies how Fulton will share in the developer’s fees and specifies the utilization of local contractors.

Action: Approve First Addendum to Grant Agreement and Community Benefit Agreement

D. Peace Corp Fellow

Summary: As a MAPPING community, Fulton is eligible to receive a graduate WIU student intern. In spring 2015 Fulton elected not to participate in the internship program because of the $10,000 fee. WIU has since received new grant funding and can now offer the internship to Fulton at $5,000. The internship program is 11 months, and the intern would live in the Fulton community work 37.5 hours a week. Intern candidates are completing their final year of graduate studies at WIU in various disciplines, including Parks, Recreation, and Tourism. Funding for the Peace Corp fellow would be divided between FY 2016 and FY 2017 ($2,500 each year).

Action: Approve Peace Corp Fellow

9. Old Business

A. Section 42 Housing

Summary: Bear Development is ready to resubmit the PPA for family Section 42 housing at the old Cullen site in December 2015. Pioneer Development still expresses interest in Fulton, but does not have land assembled.

Action: Approve Bear Development as Section 42 housing developer.

10. Reports

Administrator (pages 25-44)
Tourism/Community Center
Public Works Director
Police Chief Rhoades – PD (page 42)
Martin House Museum Financial Report (page 43)

11. Adjourn


Mayor Russell called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Margaret Crosthwaite, Dan Nederhoff, Sue Van Kampen, Len Janis, Mike Van Zuiden, and Howard Van Zuiden answered “present.” Also in attendance were Bill Shirk- City Attorney, Dan Clark- Public Works Director, James Rhoades- Chief of Police, and Regina Lehman- Tourism & Community Services Director.

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Roy Ann Mathews gave the invocation.

There was no communication from visitors.

Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions or comments on the last regular meeting minutes. Mayor Russell clarified that there were not numerous complaints about lights around town, but rather there were two complaints. With no further discussion Ald. Howard Van Zuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Mask to approve the August 17, 2015 Regular Council Meeting minutes. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

Mayor Russell addressed the first item on the agenda which was approving the request of Bear Development to change the proposed Section 42 housing development at the old JT Cullen site from senior housing to family housing. The change will allow Bear Development to go forward with a new PPA application in December 2015, with a final application with the Illinois Housing Development Authority in March 2016. Construction would begin in the fall of 2016. After a brief discussion of the council Ald. Howard Van Zuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Mike Van Zuiden to approve Section 42 Senior and Family Housing. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

Second, Chief Rhoades requested to purchase a 2015 Dodge Charger Police AWD car to replace 2012 Dodge Charger Police Squad car that was totaled in May 2015 due to an accident. Chief Rhoades explained they are $9000 short to buy the new car after the insurance reimbursement of $24,957. PD does not have a reserve account to take the extra money from. Mayor Russell said the City has a healthy amount in reserves and PD needs a police car. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Janis to approve the request. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

Third, Chief Rhoades explained to the council the 2007 Police Squad car has been nickel and diming their budget since early spring. They have put over $4000 into the repairs and it currently has an electrical issue. The cost to repair the electrical issue is unknown and the car does have over 106,000 miles. It was in Chief Rhoades 10 Year Vehicle Rotation Plan that this one would be replaced this year. The council asked Chief Rhoades to find out more information on a vehicle package that Morrison is currently using that changes cars out at 54,000 miles.

Fourth, the council discussed a possible lighting ordinance establishing lighting requirements to avoid unreasonable interference to residents. Ald. Mask asked if the business has been talked to and are willing to change their lights. She also asked if such an ordinance was in place who will enforce it and how? City of Fulton resident, Lisa Peska, has talked to Drives and they will not change their lights. She said no one along the back side of Drives can enjoy their property at night because of how bright the lights are. Mayor Russell said he and Administrator Cannon will look into the situation more.

Fifth, Ryan Kilburg, Eagle Scout, with the oversight of Brian Tomman, Heritage Canyon Caretaker, is proposing to restore the front entrance to Heritage Canyon. This project includes removing some overgrown bushes and replacing with new plants, leveling the brick around the flag pole, replacing wood frame around the sign, repainting the flag pole, posts and chains around sun dial, and repairing and repainting the cannon. In addition to refurbishing the existing landscape, Ryan would like to build a retaining wall around the entrance sign. The council was appreciative of the work Ryan will be completing. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Van Kampen to approve the request and allow Ryan to move forward with the project. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

Sixth, there was a request for street closures during Fall Festival Activities on Saturday, September 26, 2015. It will be the same streets closed as in previous years with the addition of a two block section on 9th Street. Ald. Crosthwaite motioned, seconded by Ald. Janis to approve the street closures. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.


Mayor Russell said it was recommended to hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 6:30 PM at the Robert Fulton Community Center to hear comments on changing 4th Street between 10th and 13th Ave from two-way to a one-way heading north, including downtown improvements and parking. Ald. Mike Van Zuiden urged that now is the time to have a public hearing because this is a hot topic for many people especially in his ward. Mayor Russell said no decision will be made until the council has their Capital Budget meeting in January. Ald. Mike Van Zuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Janis to approve the public hearing date and time. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.


Mayor Russell reviewed his written report.


Administrator Cannon included a written report.


TCS Director Lehman reported that eighty people were at the Drives building at the last American Queen visit.

Ald. Mask announced that Sunday, September 20, 2015 will be the Martin House Dedication. She also said she is on the Budget Committee now.

Ald. Mike Van Zuiden asked how viable are all the city owned buildings/attractions. He questioned whether the city will be able to keep taking care of all of them. Ald. Mask said if he can get all of his questions together the Budget Committee can give him numbers. Mayor Russell said it’s a valid concern and each entity should have a business plan on how it will sustain itself.

With no further business, Ald. Nederhoff moved, seconded by Ald. Janis to adjourn. With voice agreement, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM.

Minutes recorded by,

Jackie Wilkin
Fulton City Clerk

AUGUST 17, 2015

Mayor Russell called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed Regina Lehman, Tourism and Community Services Director, to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Margaret Crosthwaite, Dan Nederhoff, Sue Van Kampen, Len Janis, Mike Van Zuiden, and Howard Van Zuiden answered “present.” Also in attendance were Ed Cannon- City Administrator, Bill Shirk- City Attorney, Dan Clark- Public Works Director, Clink Kettler- Zoning Officer, James Rhoades- Chief of Police, and Amanda Fosdick- City Treasurer.

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Wayne Wiersema gave the invocation.

Mayor Russell asked if there was any communication from visitors. Renee Holmes, Owner of Krumpets Bakery, spoke about the one-way and said that she doesn’t know what the impact on business would be but it seems to be a good idea due to larger vehicles parking and sticking out into the lane. She cited that cars do not stop at the stop sign in front of her business and also thinks being compliant with the ADA would be positive. Kristi Cannon and Wendy Ottens from the Fulton Forward group were in attendance with the results from the survey of the downtown businesses to share with the council or anyone who had questions. This information had been reported previously at a council meeting and Mrs. Cannon stated that 21 businesses were surveyed by herself, Wendy Ottens, Larry Russell, Jane Luker, and Neal Luker. There were 16 businesses in favor of changing the downtown to a one-way street. Ald. Van Kampen requested to see comments that were shared on the surveys and also inquired whether or not any 3rd Street businesses were surveyed. Mrs. Ottens stated that it was basically a “yes”/”no” survey and that there wasn’t a space for comments but there were some noted. Mrs. Ottens also said none of the 3rd Street businesses were surveyed at this time; it was mainly a 3-block area on 4th that was included in the survey. Ald. Mike Van Zuiden asked if the goal for the one-way was to add more spaces or was there a different reason for this request? Mrs. Cannon answered that it was to make our downtown more attractive and spacious. April Edwards-Eshelman, Director of the Fulton Chamber of Commerce, stated that she thought that the focus should be on ADA compliance and that we have municipal lots that could be marked and focus on adding more parking in other areas. Mayor Russell closed the discussion and stated that there needed to be a public hearing on this.

Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions or comments on the last regular meeting minutes. With no further discussion Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Janis to approve the August 3, 2015 Regular Council Meeting minutes. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

Next, Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions on the bill list. Ald. Mask asked about an item on page 5 which was the plaque for the community park. Administrator Cannon said the plaque was being donated by the VanDamme family and that they will reimburse the city. Ald. Field asked about an item that was a service call to the waste water treatment plant. With no further discussion Ald. Field motioned, seconded by Ald. Mike Van Zuiden to approve the bill list. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

Next Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions on the Treasurer’s Report.
Ald. Mask asked City Treasurer Fosdick if she would point out variances to the council and give an explanation for the variance to help the council analyze the report. Mayor Russell said that on page 7 the 2015 data needs to be added. Ms. Fosdick stated she will have it updated because of the audit and will have it for the next city council meeting. Ald. Mike VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the Treasurer’s Report.

Mayor Russell skipped ahead on the agenda to address a request brought to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Carl Conover, Fulton resident at 811 12th Avenue, was present to appeal the denial of his building permit which he attained for an additional 6.5 foot, side yard setback, for the purpose of constructing a garage. He stated that he was issued a permit on June 1st and picked up the permit on June 15th. He began work to demolish his old garage and also ran a trench and in the process accidently exhumed remains of a neighbor’s pet. A complaint was made to the zoning board, so the permit was revisited, the zoning board voted 4 to 2 against his original request, and he was told he could not continue with his project. Zoning board members Clink Kettler and Ron Shear were present to answer questions. Mr. Kettler could not recall when the complaint was made but after sorting out the details, it was the council’s decision to overrule the zoning board’s decision and allow Mr. Conover to build his garage. Ald. Mike VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Nederhoff to reissue the building permit to Mr. Conover. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

City Clerk, Jackie Wilkin, arrived and began taking minutes for the remainder of the meeting.

Mayor Russell directed everyone back to the first item on the agenda which was a resolution to dedicate the name of the new public park in Fulton’s Third Ward as “Community Park” to commemorate the outpouring of donations and support from the Fulton community. Ald. Van Kampen said someone had suggested calling the park “Neighborhood Community Park”. The council agreed to the name so Ald. Van Kampen motioned, seconded by Ald. Janis to name the new park Neighborhood Community Park. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried. The park dedication ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 11:00 AM.

Second, Jean Roeder is requesting street closures to conduct a run to raise funds on behalf of the Fulton Township for restoration work at the Calvary Cemetery. The run is scheduled in conjunction with the Fulton Fall Festival and will start at 8:00 AM on September 26th. Mayor Russell said the route will need to be discussed with Chief Rhoades. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the street closure request with Chief Rhoades approval of the route. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

Third, Administrator Cannon summarized the Resolution Directing the Sale of Certain Real Estate which declares the city-owned property at 407 24th Ave as “surplus” and allows the city to sell the parcel at terms determined by the City Council to be in the best interest of the city, but at no less than 80% of its appraised value. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Van Kampen to approve the resolution. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

Fourth, Administrator Cannon said Public Works is requesting to purchase 2015 Chevrolet truck to replace a 1993 truck with 170,000 miles and is used to check buildings and stations seven days a week. Money will come from the vehicle replacement fund which Public Works has been paying in to for 3 years. This expense is in the budget. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the request to purchase a new vehicle. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

Fifth, PW Director Clark requested additional funds to repair the clarifier at the WWTP. The gear reduction unit has been replaced but further repairs are needed to get the unit in working condition. Funds will come from the water and sewer reserves. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Van Kampen to approve the request for additional funds. Roll call vote/ all yes/ motion carried.

Last, Mayor Russell said there have been numerous complaints from Fulton residents about the impact of exterior lighting from neighboring properties causing a nuisance. Mayor Russell said specifically lights from the Public Works building and Timken Drives are being complained about. He asked if any Aldermen have heard similar complaints. Ald. Field said residents in that area should be aware that those types of businesses will have security lights. Ald. Mike Van Zuiden asked if there were any ordinances that the city could impose. City Attorney Shirk said this issue came up in 2004 or 2005 and he drafted a light ordinance, but it was never passed.


Mayor Russell included a written report. He also explained Exelon’s situation and the possibly of it closing.


Administrator Cannon summarized his written report which included possibilities for the one-way downtown, beautification to the downtown estimates, economic development, and a recap of the American Queen visit. While discussing the need for a public hearing in regards to the one-way downtown, Ald. Mask suggested waiting until January when the council does their goal setting, Ald. Van Kampen agreed. However, Ald. Mike Van Zuiden and Ald. Crosthwaite disagreed and thought the hearing should be done now while it’s a hot topic and the information from the hearing could be used at their goal planning meeting in January. Mayor Russell asked that it be put on the next city council meeting agenda to pick a date and location for a public hearing.


Public Works Director Clark included his written report.

Police Chief Rhoades also included his written report and reminded everyone that school starts this week.

TCS Director Lehman reported on the American Queen visiting Fulton. She said the volunteers at the Drives building did a great job, however, there was a missed opportunity getting the visitors into the downtown to spend money because their time there was so short. She said they may possibly ask businesses to bring merchandise to the Drives building for the next visits.

Ald. Mask announced that Sunday, September 20, 2015 will be the Martin House Dedication. Also, she reported that two grants have been written for the Drives building and the committee is looking into having a fundraiser.

With no further business, Ald. Crosthwaite moved, seconded by Ald. Van Kampen to adjourn. With voice agreement, the meeting adjourned at 7:04 PM.

Minutes recorded by,

Jackie Wilkin
Fulton City Clerk

September 8, 2015
5:30 PM

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Pledge of allegiance

4. Communication from visitors

5. Approval of minutes (pages 1-4)

6. Items for Consideration

A. Section 42 Housing

Summary: Bear Development request to change the proposed Section 42 housing development at the old JT Cullen site from senior housing to family housing. The change will allow Bear Development to go forward with a new PPA application in December 2015, with a final application with the Illinois Housing development Authority in March 2016. Construction would begin in the fall of 2016.

Action: Motion to approve Section 42 Senior and Family Housing

B. Request to purchase replacement squad car for Police Department (page 5)

Summary: Requesting to purchase 2015 Dodge Charger Police AWD car to replace 2012 Dodge Charger Police Squad that was totaled in May 2015, accident.

Action: Approve request

C. 2007 Police Squad Car (page 6)

Summary: Continue to make repairs on 2007 Durango or consider replacing vehicle

Action: Discussion Only

D. Lighting Requirement Ordinance (pages 7-9)

Summary: Ordinance establishing lighting requirements to avoid unreasonable interference to residents.

Action: Discussion only

E. Eagle Scout Project (pages 10, 10a, 11, 11b)
Summary: Ryan Kilburg, Eagle Scout, with the oversight of Brian Tomman, Heritage Canyon Caretaker, is proposing to restore the front entrance to Heritage Canyon. This project includes removing some overgrown bushes and replacing with new plants, leveling the brick around the flag pole, replace wood frame around the sign, repainting the flag pole, posts and chains around sun dial, and repairing and repainting the cannon. In addition to refurbishing the existing landscape, Ryan would like to build a retaining wall around the entrance sign. See attached photos.

Action: Approve request

F. Fall Festival Street Closures (located at end of packet – pages 38-39)

Summary: Request for street closures during Fall Festival Activities on Saturday, September 26, 2015 (see attached map and closures)

Action: Approve request

7. Old Business

A. Downtown Improvements – Traffic Flow - Parking

Summary: Recommendation to hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 8, 2016 at 6:30 PM at the Robert Fulton Community Center to hear comments on changing 4th Street between 10th and 13th Ave from two-way to a one-way heading north, downtown improvements and parking.

Action: Approve Public Hearing date and time

8. Reports

Mayor (page 12)

Administrator (pages 13-28)

Aldermen Reports

Marina Committee (page 29)

Andresen Center Committee (page 30)

De Immigrant – Volunteer Miller Meeting Minutes (pages 31-32)

Tourism Committee (pages 33-35)

Development Council (pages 36-37)

9. Adjourn

Public Notice

Due to the Labor Day holiday falling on Monday, September 7, 2015 - the first council meeting of the month will be held on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at the regular time of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 415 11th Avenue, Fulton, IL.

Regular City Council Meeting
August 17, 2015
5:30 PM

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Pledge of allegiance

4. Communication from visitors

5. Approve August 3, 2015 Regular Council Meeting minutes (pages 1-2)

6. Approve Bill List (Located at end of packet)

7. Approve Treasurer’s Report (pages 3-9)

8. Items for Consideration

A. Resolution to dedicate and name Third Ward Park (page 10)

Summary: Resolution to dedicate and name the new public park in Fulton’s Third Ward as “Community Park” to commemorate the outpouring of donations and support from the Fulton community. A park dedication ceremony is scheduled for 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, September 12, 2015.

Action: Approve resolution

B. Street Closure Request for Calvary Hill Run

Summary: Jean Roeder is requesting street closures to conduct a run to raise funds on behalf of the Fulton Township for restoration work at the Calvary Cemetery. The run is scheduled in conjunction with the Fulton Fall Festival and will start at 8:00 AM on September 26th.

Action: Approve request

C. Resolution Directing the Sale of Certain Real Estate (pages 11-13)

Summary: Declares the city-owned property at 407 24th Ave as “Surplus” and allows the city to sell the parcel at terms determined by the City Council to be in the best interest of the city, but at no less than 80% of its appraised value.

Action: Approve resolution

D. Request to purchase 2015 Chevrolet Truck for Public Works Department (pages 14-15)

Summary: Requesting to purchase 2015 Chevrolet truck to replace a 1993 truck with 170, 000 miles and is used to check buildings and stations 7 days a week. Money will come from the vehicle replacement fund which Public Works has been paying into for 3 years.

Action: Approve request

E. Request for additional funds to repair the clarifier at the WWTP (page 16)

Summary: Requesting additional funds to repair the clarifier at the WWTP. The gear reduction unit has been replaced but further repairs are needed to get the unit in working condition. Funds will come from the water and sewer reserves.

Action: Approve request

F. Consideration of Lighting Impacts on Neighboring Properties

Summary: Numerous Fulton residents have complained about the impact of exterior lighting from neighboring properties causing a nuisance.

Action: Discussion only

G. Zoning Board of Appeals

Summary: Petition by Carl Conover, 811 12th Avenue, in the City of Fulton, IL - for an additional 6.5 ft. - side yard setback, for the purpose of constructing a garage.

Action: Approve/Deny Request

9. Old Business

10. Reports

Mayor - (page 17)
Administrator - (page 18)
Public Works Director – (page 19-20)
Police Chief – (page 21)
Tourism/Community Center Report (page 22)
Miller Meeting Minutes – (pages 23-24)
Windmill Area Steering Committee Minutes – (pages 25-26)
Tourism Committee Minutes – pages 27-29)
Aldermen Report

11. Adjourn



AUGUST 3, 2015


Mayor Russell called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Margaret Crosthwaite, Dan Nederhoff, Sue Van Kampen, Len Janis, Mike Van Zuiden, and Howard Van Zuiden answered “present.” Ald. Gene Field was absent. Also in attendance were Ed Cannon- City Administrator, Bill Shirk- City Attorney, Clink Kettler- Zoning Officer, James Rhoades- Chief of Police, and Regina Lehman- Tourism and Community Services Director.

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Youth Pastor John Kershner gave the invocation.

There was no communication from visitors.

Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions or comments on the last regular meeting minutes. With no further discussion Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Howard Van Zuiden to approve the July 20, 2015 Regular Council Meeting minutes. Roll call vote/ 7 yes, 1 absent/ motion carried.

The first item for consideration was a resolution that declares the city-owned property located on 22nd Avenue in the Fulton Industrial Center (former Zajicek property) as “surplus” and allows the City to sell the parcel at terms determined by the City Council to be in the best interest of the city, but at no less than 80% of its appraised value. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Van Kampen to approve the Resolution Directing the Sale of Certain Real Estate. Roll call vote/ 7 yes, 1 absent/ motion carried.

Second, Administrator Cannon explained a resolution that allocates municipal funds for the 2016 CIP road repaving projects. He discussed the three bids received and stated that the lower bid was Civil Constructors. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Mike Van Zuiden to approve the Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways. Roll call vote/ 7 yes, 1 absent/ motion carried.


Administrator Cannon started off by saying the City of Fulton is not ADA compliant on handicap parking spaces but that it’s okay since the city was grandfathered in after the new standards were set. However, if any changes are made to the downtown then the City will have to become ADA compliant. Administrator Cannon explained several diagrams that pictured one-way and two-way traffic scenarios and the amount of parking spaces available. Ald. Mike Van Zuiden said he is not in favor of one way traffic on 4th Street and that he has not heard any positive feedback about this idea from anyone. He also said he has had several phone calls from citizens in the 4th Ward expressing their displeasure with the concept. Ald. Mike Van Zuiden suggested they have a Public Hearing sooner rather than later because there could be a lot of wasted time and energy put into this project if ultimately the citizens are against it. However, Ald. Mike Van Zuiden did say he thinks the right thing to do would be to add the proper handicap parking spaces to be ADA compliant. Mayor Russell voiced his concern about including 3rd Street when discussing upgrades to Downtown Fulton. Ald. Mask handed out a news article from 1999 when the first one-way was converted to two way traffic. Fourth Street was one way (traveling north to south) from 1952 – 1999. Dick and Bea Farewell, Fulton residents who have lived at 900 N. 4th Street for the past 13 years, think the one-way will be a deterrent to visitors. Mrs. Farewell wanted to know where this idea came from and the why behind it. What is the real benefit of making the change? Ald. Mike Van Zuiden agreed that if this change won’t positively impact our local economy then why make the change. Ald. Howard Van Zuiden said instead of investing all this money on 4th Street why not try to develop and grow the East side of town on Hwy 84? Ald. Mask asked Chief Rhoades what he thought of the one-way from a safety perspective. Chief Rhoades pointed out some of his concerns. Mayor Russell thanked everyone for their input on this topic.


Mayor Russell included a written report. He briefly recapped the city audit and said overall our city is in good shape compared to other similar communities.


Administrator Cannon summarized his written report which included a recap of the city audit, fundraiser results for Trivia Night hosted by a Fulton Forward group, an economic development update, and the downtown banners are ready to be hung. Administrator Cannon also said he will be going to Dubuque a day to meet with their City Administrator to see how they were able to grow and develop their riverfront.


Ald. Mask announced that Monday approximately 400 people will be coming to the area from the American Queen. The Drives building has two rooms cleaned up for visitors where Dutch dancers will perform. She also said that Regina and April made goodie bags that have tourist information and coupons to our local businesses to hand out to all the visitors.

Dan Clark, PW Director included a written report which included a map for a bridge along the bike path just south of the Marina. Currently bikes are supposed to dismount from their bike and ride on the highway and then get back on the bike path. The bridge would be much safer for bikers and walkers.

With no further business, Ald. Mike Van Zuiden moved, seconded by Ald. Janis to adjourn. With voice agreement, the meeting adjourned at 6:36 PM.

Minutes recorded by,

Jackie Wilkin
Fulton City Clerk

August 3, 2015
5:30 PM

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Pledge of allegiance

4. Communication from visitors

5. Approval of minutes (pages 1-3)

6. Items for Consideration

A. Resolution Directing the Sale of Certain Real Estate (pages 4-6)

Summary: This resolution declares the city-owned property located on 22nd Avenue in the Fulton Industrial Park (former Zajicek property) as “Surplus” and allows the City to sell the parcel at terms determined by the City Council to be in the best interest of the city, but at no less than 80% of its appraised value.

Action: Approve Resolution

B. Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways (pages 7-9)

Summary: This resolution allocates municipal funds for the 2016 CIP road repaving projects. The low bidder was Civil Constructors.

Action: Approve Resolution

7. Old Business

A. 4th Street Traffic Flow and Parking Analysis (pages 10-15)

Summary: Staff report that examines downtown parking (standard and handicap) for both Two-Way and One-Way traffic flow configurations.

Action: Discussion Only

8. Reports

Mayor (page 16)

Administrator (page 17)

Public Works Report (pages18-20)

Aldermen Reports

9. Adjourn

JULY 20, 2015

Ald. Howard Van Zuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Margaret Crosthwaite, Dan Nederhoff, Sue Van Kampen, Len Janis, Mike Van Zuiden, and Howard Van Zuiden answered “present.” Mayor Russell was absent. Also in attendance were Ed Cannon- City Administrator, Bill Shirk- City Attorney, Dave Bartels- Patrol Officer, Amanda Fosdick- City Treasurer, and Regina Lehman- Tourism and Community Services Director.

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Wayne gave the invocation.

Ald. Howard Van Zuiden asked if there were any communication from visitors. Randy Schmidt, Fulton resident who lives on 4th Street, said he didn’t support the idea of one-way traffic through downtown. Mr. Schmidt and his wife lived on 4th Street when it was a one-way street a long time ago and hated it. David Dykstra, Fulton resident, says he rides the bus for Self-Help daily which picks up people on 4th Street. Changing the downtown to a one-way would affect the bus route. Ellen Schmidt, Mr. Schmidt’s wife and Fulton resident, said she is also not in favor of the one-way. She said she went downtown at 10:30am, 12:30pm, and 2:30pm one day and each time there were about seven parking spots on 4th Street available so she didn’t agree the change needed to be made due to lack of parking. She was also concerned that traffic heading south will take 5th Street and it will be hard to get onto 14th Ave. Next, Heidi Kolk, downtown business owner and Fulton resident, shared that she wasn’t surveyed and she was not supportive of the change. Ms. Kolk is also a Windmiller and is concerned about the traffic flow from the windmill to downtown. Lastly, Larry Leonard, downtown business owner and Fulton resident, said he also wasn’t surveyed and he didn’t really care if the change was made but he was concerned about added expenses this would place on his business. Mr. Leonard said he would have to install a back door entrance for southbound traffic on 3rd street. He would also need signage and lighting at the back of the building. By making 4th Street one-way it cuts his drive-by clientele in half. He asked that if he has to make all these changes that the city would be lenient on building permits, etc. Ald. Howard Van Zuiden added that about 80% of the people he has spoken to about the one-way are not supportive of the change. He thanked everyone for attending and their input.

Ald. Howard Van Zuiden asked if there were any questions or comments on the last regular meeting minutes. With no further discussion Ald. Janis motioned, seconded by Ald. Field to approve the July 6, 2015 Regular Council Meeting minutes. Roll call vote/ 8 yes/ motion carried.

Next, Ald. Howard Van Zuiden asked if there were any questions on the bill list. There was brief discussion on a couple items and Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Mike Van Zuiden to approve the bill list. Roll call vote/ 8 yes/ motion carried.

Next, Ald. Howard Van Zuiden asked if there were any questions on the Treasurer’s Report. With no further questions, Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Roll call vote/ 8 yes/ motion carried.

The first item for consideration, Ald. Howard Van Zuiden asked Administrator Cannon to explain. Administrator Cannon explained the intergovernmental agreement allows Whiteside County to prosecute all ordinance violations filed by Fulton with the Circuit Court’s office. In exchange Fulton agrees to pay the Circuit Court $75 for each citation filed. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the intergovernmental agreement. Roll call vote/ 8 yes/ motion carried.


Administrator Cannon reported that Bear Development will not be submitting an application this July for Tax Credit housing. Market analysis does not support Senior Section 42 housing. Bear is asking if the city will expand the development to include families. Ald. Mask asked where we’re at with Brian Fritz from Pioneer Property. Ald. Mike Van Zuiden agreed that he would like to meet with Mr. Fritz again and see what his company has to offer. He expressed that if we wait too long on Bear that we may lose Pioneer. Administrator Cannon said that Pioneer has to go through the same process as Bear so the market analysis will be the same but agreed it’s still worth talking to them again.


Ald. Crosthwaite updated the Council on progress at the marina. She said they are working on more signage that shows the gas prices and are purchasing bridge planks for additional floats coming in. They are also putting in a fire pit with donated stones and a bike rack. The boat parade will not happen this year as its getting late in the season to start planning for it. Lastly, the committee discussed taking $1000 and dividing it up to give back to slip renters as a thank you.

Ald. Mask reported that two rooms at the old Drives building are decorated for visitors from the American Queen.

Ald. Mike Van Zuiden voiced his concern about the goal of Fulton Forward. He is concerned that it could create a generational battle. He said there are a lot of changes/improvements being proposed from Fulton Forward and we need to make sure they are being presented in a positive way. Regina Lehman, Tourism and Community Services Director, added that she has been involved in Fulton Forward since last October when it all started and the goal of Fulton Forward is actually to have the community (all ages) work together for positive changes.


Mayor Russell included a written report.


Administrator Cannon summarized his written report which included an update on Section 42 Housing, 4th Street Traffic Study Update, City Hall remodel, and a Bus Turnaround at Heritage Canyon. The remodel would use the former Chamber office as a front desk for the Police Department. Ald. Mask agreed that change would be beneficial and makes sense. The turnaround would be located between Heritage Canyon and the Andresen Nature Center. It would include 22 standard and 2 ADA parking stalls. The estimated cost for this project is $85,000, but is eligible for an OSLED grant from the state of Illinois.

Ald. Van Kampen reported that four other business owners told her that they were not surveyed for the one-way downtown. Also, people in the 3rd Ward have complained that they cannot hear the sirens when there is ominous weather. Administrator Cannon said they would like to have a third siren in the 3rd Ward near Timken Drives.

Regina Lehman, Tourism and Community Services Director, reported the American Queen will be stopping in Fulton in August and September.

With no further business, Ald. Field moved, seconded by Ald. Mask to adjourn. With voice agreement, the meeting adjourned at 6:28 PM.

Minutes recorded by,

Jackie Wilkin
Fulton City Clerk

Regular City Council Meeting
July 20, 2015
5:30 PM

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Pledge of allegiance

4. Communication from visitors

5. Approve July 6, 2015 Regular Council Meeting minutes (pages 1-2)

6. Approve Bill List (located at end of packet)

7. Approve Treasurer’s Report (pages 3-10)

8. Items for Consideration

A. Intergovernmental Agreement between Fulton and Whiteside County

Summary: This intergovernmental agreement allows Whiteside County to prosecute all ordinance violations filed by Fulton with the Circuit Court’s office. In exchange Fulton agrees to pay the Circuit Court $75 for each citation filed.

Action: Approve the intergovernmental agreement

9. Old Business

A. Section 42 Housing

Summary: Bear Development will not be submitting an application this July for Tax Credit housing. Market analysis does not support Senior Section 42 housing. Bear is asking if the city will expand the development to include families.

Action: Discussion only

10. Reports

Mayor - (pages 11-13)
Administrator - (pages 14-16)
Chief Rhoades – (page 17)
Tourism/Community Center Report (page 18)
Aldermen Reports

11. Adjourn