De Immigrant Windmill

City Council Meeting Minutes

The City Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 5:30 p.m.  The City Council meets in the Council Chambers of Fulton City  Hall, 415 11th Avenue.  Council meetings are open to the public.

City of Fulton Regular Council Meeting Minutes April 18, 2016 Pro Tem Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher, M. VanZuiden and Pro Tem Mayor H. VanZuiden answered, “present.” Also in attendance were Ed Cannon (City Administrator), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director), James Rhoades (Chief of Police) Dan Clark (Public Works Director), Amanda Fosdick (City Treasurer) and Clink Kettler (Zoning Officer). The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Roy Ann Matthews gave the invocation. During the communication from visitors Larry Leonard from Large 1’s Pub wanted to notice the city that the annual Bike Blessing is to be held on June 5, 2016. Lilly Wisely and Tim Clark were here on behalf of the Clinton Humane Society. Mike Kirchhoff and Andy Sokolovich were present regarding the Clinton Regional Development Corporation to give an update. Jason and Brittany Brewer were present to get approval to keep a micro pig in their home, currently not allowed within city limits. John Rohlf was present on behalf of the Clinton Herald. Pro Tem Mayor H. VanZuiden asked if there were any questions on the items listed on the consent agenda. Items for consideration are the April 4, 2016 Meeting Minutes, Treasurer’s Report and the Bill List. With no questions or concerns Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the items on the consent agenda. Roll call vote (8 yes). On the list of items for consideration Administrator Cannon asked that 7 C. Heritage Canyon Caretaker Agreement Amendment be taken off the list. With no further questions on the issue it was removed from the agenda. First item for consideration is the Mutts on the Mississippi Run/Walk. Lilly Wisely from the Clinton Humane Society was present to ask permission of the Fulton City Council to have the run/walk end in Fulton this year. The date set for Mutts on the Mississippi is October 8, 2016. Ald. Mask is excited that they have decided to end the walk in Fulton this year. With no further questions or concerns Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Nederhoff to approved the Mutts on the Mississippi Run/Walk. Roll call vote (8 yes). Second item for consideration is Clinton Regional Development Corporation. Mike Kirchhoff first talked about the retention and expansion of new businesses to the area. New businesses are looking for the cheapest place to make the most money. The CRDC is trying to make it possible to bring new businesses to the area. Andy Sokolovich is working with existing businesses in the area to help expand the current industry and help them make more money. Andy has been visiting Fulton businesses with Ed to grow both the relationship and business. Third item for consideration is the Danielson Second Extension and Modification Agreement. The agreement is the extend the current revolving loan until April 15, 2021 with all remaining terms unchanged. With no further questions or concerns Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to approve the extension agreement. Roll call vote (8 yes). Fourth item for consideration is the request to allow seine within city limits. Jason & Brittany Brewer are requesting approval to have a micro pig as a pet within the city limits. Jason & Brittany assured the council the pig will be kept in doors and it will use a litter box, they might possibly walk it on a leash. With no further questions or concerns Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Mask to give the Brewer’s approval to keep the micro pig at their home within Fulton City Limits. Roll call vote (8 yes). Administrators Report: Administrator Cannon included his written report. Police Report: Chief Rhoades included his written report. The charts included compare calls and arrests related to the topics listed. Chief Rhoades stated calls and arrests have been consistent so fat this year. The other charts included in the report compare Fulton to Morrison showing the additional traffic we receive because of our location to the river and another state. Public Works Director Report: Director Clark included his written report. Dan wanted to remind everyone of John Blunts retirement, Public Works will be cooking out on April 21st, 2016 at noon. Tourism and Community Services Director Report: Director Lehman included her written report. Tourism Committee Report: The written report has been included. Windmill Area Steering Committee Report: The written report has been included. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Letcher to enter closed session to discuss collective bargaining and personnel. Roll call vote (8 yes). The council entered closed session at 6:35 PM. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Letcher to exit closed session. Roll call vote (8 yes). The council exited closed session at 6:43 PM. With no further business, Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Van Kampen to adjourn. With voice agreement the meeting adjourned at 6:44 PM. Minutes recorded by, Lindsey Renkes Fulton City Clerk

April 18, 2016
5:30 PM

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Pledge of allegiance

4. Communication from visitors

5. Consent Agenda (All items in the consent agenda will be enacted by a single motion and roll call vote. Any item may be removed upon request by the Mayor or any Alderman and considered individually after all other items of business on the consent agenda).

A. Approval of March 7, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (pages 1-2)

B. Approve Treasurer’s Report (pages 3-11)

C. Approve Bill List (located at end of packet)

Action: Motion to approve Consent Agenda

6. Rule on Items Removed from Consent Agenda

7 Items for Consideration:

A. Mutts on the Mississippi Presentation (pages 12-13)

B. Clinton Regional Development Corporation Update

C. Heritage Canyon Caretaker Agreement Amendment (page 14)

Summary: Amendment requires caretaker to pay gas and electric utilities.

Action: Approve amendment

D. Danielson Second Extension and Modification Agreement (pages 15-17)

Summary: Agreement extends the Revolving Loan to Danielson Properties, LLC to April 15, 2021 with all remaining terms unchanged.

Action: Approve agreement

E. Request to allow swine within city limits

Summary: Resident requesting approval to keep a micro pig within city limits. Fulton Code §94.01 (A) makes it unlawful to keep certain animals (including swine) within the city limits without written permission from the City Council.

Action: Discussion and possible vote

8. Old Business

9. Reports

Administrator Report (pages 18-26)
Police Chief Report (pages 27-28)
Public Works Director Report (page 29)
Tourism and Community Services Director Report (pages 30-31)
Tourism Committee Report (pages 32-33)
Windmill Area Steering Committee Report (pages 34-35)
10. Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining and personnel

11. Return to Open Session

12. Adjourn

City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
April 4, 2016

Mayor Russell called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Sue VanKampen, and Wes Letcher answered, “present.” Ald. Margaret Crosthwaite showed up late. Ald. Mike VanZuiden and Howard VanZuiden were “absent.” Also in attendance were Ed Cannon (City Administrator), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director), April Eschelman (Chamber of Commerce Director), James Rhoades (Chief of Police) and Clink Kettler (Zoning Officer).

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Kevin Verhoeven gave the invocation.

Notice of public hearing for Proposed Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Budget as noticed in the Fulton Journal and City Hall on April 7, 2016. Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to open the public hearing for the proposed fiscal year annual budget. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).

With no questions or concerns from the public Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to close the public hearing for the proposed fiscal year annual budget. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).

During the communication from visitors Jason and Brittney Brewer made comments regarding a current ordinance that does not allow residents within city limits to have pigs as pets. The couple is looking to adopt a micro pig (very small pig that weighs 15 lbs. at full growth) as a pet. The council decided to put this ordinance on the list for the next meetings agenda.

Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions regarding the items on the consent agenda. Items for consideration are the March 21, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. With no questions or concerns Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Letcher to approve the items on the consent agenda. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).

First item for consideration is the variance request for Jimmy Driscoll. Don Loftus from the Zoning board was present to explain the denial from the meeting on March 31, 2016. Fulton code requires a 7’ side lot setback, while Mr. Driscoll is looking for a variance to allow him to build 5’ from the side lot line. Mr. Driscoll explained the garage he is looking to build (as shown on page 4) to the council and as to why he is asking for the 5’ variance. After listening to both Mr. Loftus and Driscoll the city council motioned by Ald. Mask, seconded by Ald. Letcher to send it back to the Zoning Board of Appeals to vote again on the variance request. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).

Second item for consideration is to approve the Ordinance to adopt the Annual Budget of the City Pursuant to Section 8-2-9.4 of the Illinois Municipal Code. After completion of the public hearing in accordance with Illinois Municipal Code Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Letcher to approve the budget ordinance. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).

Third item for consideration is to remove the two Heritage Residential lots from surplus property and allow the City to accept bids to properties. A public notice will be published weekly in the Fulton Journal for three weeks. The City Council has the right to reject any bids. With no further questions Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the ordinance directing the Sale of Real Estate Owned by the City of Fulton.

Fourth item for consideration is the Special Event Policy to establish appropriate rules and regulations and establish an application and license fee for outdoor events. The application idea came from Clinton’s application for their special events. It was decided there needs to be a list of co-sponsored events that are exempt from the application. With many unanswered questions and concerns Ald. Letcher motioned to hold off on the vote and be addressed at a later time after changes to the application have been made.

Fifth item for consideration is to approve the Industrial Center Farm Lease. The contract is to lease 98-acre property to Doug Holesinger for the 2016 crop year; the lease is for $27,225. With no questions or concerns Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Nederhoff to approve the farm lease. Roll call vote (6 yes, 2 absent).

Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Russell included his written report.

Administrator’s Report:
Administrator Cannon included his written report.

Marina Committee Report:
Dan Clark included the marina report.

Martin House Financial Report:
Financial Report for the Martin House was included.

With no further business, Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to adjourn. With voice agreement the meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.

Minutes recorded by,

Lindsey Renkes
Fulton City Clerk

April 4, 2016
5:30 PM

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Pledge of allegiance

4. Public Hearing for Consideration of Proposed Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Budget (budget located at end of packet)

Summary: As noticed in the Fulton Journal and on the City of Fulton Website on April 7, 2015, this is a public hearing for the tentative annual budget for fiscal year May 1, 2015 through April 31, 2016. A copy of the tentative budget has been available for public review at City Hall and on the City website. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and be heard.

Action: Motion to open the public hearing for the proposed fiscal year 2015 annual budget.

5. Close Public Hearing

6. Communication from visitors

7. Consent Agenda (All items in the consent agenda will be enacted by a single motion and roll call vote. Any item may be removed upon request by the Mayor or any Alderman and considered individually after all other items of business on the consent agenda).

A. Approval of March 21, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (pages 1-3)

Action: Motion to approve Consent Agenda

8. Rule on Items Removed from Consent Agenda

9. Items for Consideration

A. Variance Request (page 4)

Summary: Fulton Zoning Board of Appeals denied a motion to approve a 5 foot setback on the eastern side of residential property belonging to James Driscoll at 711 8th Ave. during a public hearing on March 31, 2016. Fulton code requires a 7’ side lot setback. A 2/3 vote by the City Council is required to override a variance denial by the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Action: Rule on variance request.

B. Ordinance #1537 Adopting the Annual Budget of the City Pursuant to Section 8-2-9.4 of the Illinois Municipal Code (pages 5-6)

Summary: All notifications and public hearing have been accomplished in accordance with Illinois Municipal Code. Approved budget must be submitted to the Whiteside County Clerk by April 29, 2016.

Action: Approve budget ordinance

C. Ordinance #1538 Directing the Sale of Real Estate Owned by the City of Fulton (pages 7-9)

Summary: Ordinance removes the two Heritage Residential lots from consideration as surplus property and allows the City to accept sealed bids to purchase the fee simple interest of the properties. Public notice will be published weekly in the Fulton Journal for three weeks beginning April 12th with bids due by Wednesday, May 11, 2016. Bid opening will be Monday, May 16, 2016 during the Regular City Council Meeting.

Action: Approve Ordinance

D. Special Event Policy (pages 10-16)

Summary: Ordinance #1524 (May 18, 2015) specifies the City Council shall establish appropriate rules and regulations and establish an application and license fee for outdoor events.

Action: Motion to Approve Special Event Policy

E. Industrial Center Farm Lease (pages 17-25)

Summary: Contract to lease 98-acre Industrial Center property to Doug Holesinger for the 2016 crop year. Lease is for $27,225.00 ($275.00/acre), which mirrors the 2016 crop year lease price.

Action: Approve farm lease

10. Old Business

11. Reports

Administrator (pages 26-28)
Marina Committee Report (page 29)
Martin House Financial Report (pages 30-31)

12. Adjourn

City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2016

Pro Tem Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher, and Mike VanZuiden answered, “present.” Mayor Russell arrived late to the meeting. Also in attendance were Ed Cannon (City Administrator), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), Amanda Fosdick (City Treasurer), Officers Wherry, Hamilton and Flack (Police Officers) and Clink Kettler (Zoning Officer).

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Wayne Wiersema gave the invocation.

During the communication from visitors Pro Tem Mayor asked if anyone would like to speak. No one said anything at the time; all were present regarding matter on the agenda. Randy Boonstra was present regarding the budget and old Drives Building. Mike Ottens, Arlene Considine, Trudy Feldt, Chuck Dykstra, Jane Luker, Jeff DenBesten and Kyle Kopf were present regarding the old Drives Building. Nick Moffitt was present on behalf of the Clinton Herald.

First, Pro Tem Mayor H. VanZuiden asked if there were any questions regarding items on the consent agenda. Items on the list include Approval of March 7, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes, Approve Treasurer’s Report, Approve Bill List, Proclamations (May 2016 Motorcycle Awareness Month & April 7, 2016 Junior Achievement Day. Ald. M. VanZuiden asked if the Kozyra funds were being used to remodel entire city hall project? Administrator Cannon replied, “Yes the police department wanted the window and entrance changed.” Ald. Mask wanted to know the Police Department was paying for the entire remodel. Admin. Cannon to look into it more as to why. With no further questions or concerns Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the items on the consent agenda. Roll call vote (7 yes).

Second, the next item for consideration is the Municipal Accounting/Utility Billing Software selection. Page 15 in the meeting packet lists the proposals received from different software companies. It was recommended by city employees and Admin. Cannon to keep the current provider and just update modules and add a few new ones to satisfy needs. Ald. Mask asked with the update if a position would be eliminated. Admin. Cannon said, “No, but employees would possibly work less hours and save time to get other tasks completed.” With no further questions or concerns Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. M. VanZuiden to approve the Billing/Software update. Roll call vote (7 yes).

Third, item on the agenda is approve the FY 2017 municipal budget. The budget was included in the meeting packet, during review Admin. Cannon pointed out line 231 on page 7 of 25, this amount could be raised to $3000 to help business owners replace sidewalks. Ald. Mask supported the idea, Director Clark mentioned laws state owner to fix sidewalks themselves, this would mean the ordinance would have to be changed. Admin Cannon said this would only help offset cost not pay for entire fix. With no further questions or concerns Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to approve the tentative budget for public inspection and schedule Public Hearing for Monday, April 4, 2106 at 5:30 PM. Roll call vote (7 yes).

Fourth, item for consideration is Employee Health Insurance. The contract for employee health insurance is due to renew April 1, 2016. The plan includes all non- management employees, even employees in negotiation. With the new plan it would be partial self-funding. Randy Boonstra suggested making an exit strategy if this does not work out as planned, it would say where the reserve funds would go if switched back to normal insurance. With no further questions or concerns Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to approve the Employee Health Insurance Contribution. Roll call vote (7 yes).

Fifth, item for consideration is the Employee Health Insurance Contributions. This recommendation is to change employee and family health insurance contributions to 10% for employees and 25% for families. With no questions or concerns Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to approve the employee health insurance contribution policy. Roll call vote (7 yes).

Old Business:
Authorize funds to replace the roof at the Drives building subject to successful $250,000 fund drive and completion of viable business plan. After much discussion it was verbally mentioned the roof repair could not exceed $50,000, 6 months from today must raise $250,000 and a business plan. After much discussion Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to approve Drives building plan. Roll call vote (3 yes, 5 no). Motion failed to be approved.

Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Russell included his written report.

Police Report:
Chief Rhoades included his written report.

Tourism & Community Services Report:
Director Lehman included her written report.

Committee Reports:
Written reports were included from Fulton’s Windmill Cultural Center, Volunteer Millers, Steering Committee, Education Committee, Andresen Cultural Center, and Fulton Historical Society.

Ald. H. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to enter closed session to discuss collective bargaining and personnel. Roll call vote (8 yes). The council entered closed session at 7:25 PM.

Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Nederhoff to exit closed session. Roll call vote (8 yes). The council exited closed session at 8:34 PM.

The last order of business was to decide on the management salary increase. After discussion between the aldermen they decided on an 3% increase. With no further questions or concerns Ald. Nederhoff motioned, seconded by Ald. Letcher to approve the management salary increase. Roll call vote (8 yes).

With no further business, Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to adjourn. With voice agreement the meeting adjourned at 8:37 PM.

Minutes recorded by,

Lindsey Renkes
Fulton City Clerk

March 21, 2016
5:30 PM

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Pledge of allegiance

4. Communication from visitors

5. Consent Agenda (All items in the consent agenda will be enacted by a single motion and roll call vote. Any item may be removed upon request by the Mayor or any Alderman and considered individually after all other items of business on the consent agenda).

A. Approval of March 7, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (pages 1-3)

B. Approve Treasurer’s Report (pages 4-12)

C. Approve Bill List (located at end of packet)

D. Proclamations

1. May 2016 Motorcycle Awareness Month (page 13)

2. April 7, 2016 Junior Achievement Day (page 14)

Action: Motion to approve Consent Agenda

6. Rule on Items Removed from Consent Agenda

7 Items for Consideration:

A. Municipal Accounting/Utility Billing Software selection (page 15)

Summary: See attached Summary

Action: Approve Municipal Software provider

B. FY2017 Tentative Budget (located at end of packet)

Summary: The tentative budget represents the final draft of the FY 2017 municipal budget. If approved, the budget will be posted for public inspection on April 4, 2016, and a Public Hearing scheduled for Monday, April 4, 2015 at 5:30 in the Fulton City Council Chambers.

Action: Approve tentative budget for public inspection and schedule Public Hearing for Monday, April 4, 2016 at 5:30 PM.

C. Employee Health Insurance (pages 16-24)

Summary: See Attached Summary

Action: Vote on city insurance plan

D. Employee Health Insurance Contributions (page 25)

Summary: Recommendation to change employee and family health insurance contributions to 10% for employees and 25% for families.

Action: Vote on employee health insurance contribution policy

8. Old Business

A. Drives Building

Summary: Authorize funds to replace the roof at the Drives building subject to a Successful $250,000 fund drive and completion of a viable business plan for subsequent operation as a City/Historic Society public/private partnership

Action: Vote

Action: Discussion

9. Reports

Mayor (pages 26-27)
Aldermen Reports
Police Report (pages 28-29)
Tourism & Community Services Report (pages 30-33)
Committee Reports (pages 34-53)

11. Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining and personnel

12. Return to Open Session

13. Adjourn

City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2016

Mayor Russell called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher, Mike VanZuiden and Howard VanZuiden answered, “present.” Also in attendance were Ed Cannon (City Administrator), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), James Rhoades (Chief of Police) and Clink Kettler (Zoning Officer).

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Kevin Verhoeven gave the invocation.

During the communication from visitors Mayor Russell confirmed everyone present was here regarding matters on the agenda. Beth Payne and Brian Hollenback were present from the Rock Island Economic Growth Corporation. Dale Green, Matt Huizenga, Ben Topham and Jerry Lewis were present regarding the Employee Health Insurance contributions. Julia Lehman was present with her mom Regina, Director of Tourism. Chuck Dykstra was present to discuss old business on the Drives building.

First, Mayor Russell asked if there were any questions regarding the items on the consent agenda. Items for consideration are the February 16, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes and February 22, 2016 Continuation Meeting Minutes. With no questions or concerns Ald. M. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Letcher to approve the items on the consent agenda. Roll call vote (8 yes).

Second, Beth Payne and Brian Hollenback were present to answer any questions about the homes purchased for rehabilitation. Brian discussed the homebuyer assistant program and how there is no income restriction. He also talked about the National Housing Trust Fund; it has become available since the 2008 recession. In order to qualify must be non-profit. Mayor Russell thanked Brian for all of the information.

Third, looking to reclassify the Heritage Residential Subdivision lots, former Pleasure Park. The lots are currently classified as “surplus” but looking to reclassify as “non-surplus” so the city can seek bids and work with a realtor. Ald. M. VanZuiden asked what the lots were currently appraised at, Admin. Cannon was unsure of the exact amounts. Administrator Cannon has talked to a couple that expressed interest in one of the lots but was not willing to pay 80% of the appraised value. With no further questions or concerns Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to reclassify the lots as “non-surplus.” Roll call vote (8 yes).

Fourth, James Trimble has offered to sell 3.64 acres to the City of Fulton for $75,000. Ald. Mask stated Mr. Trimble presented the idea to her and explained he had no need to sell the property and wanted more at a previous time. He also made it clear he would only sell it to the city and not a developer. Many acknowledged that the city does not need to purchase any more property but instead sell some of the current property owned. There was no further discussion on the property.

Fifth, up for approval is the Employee Health Insurance Contributions. The change at stake is changing from a 0% for self/50% for family contribution to a 10% for self/25% for family contribution by the employees for health care. Regina Lehman asked for employee education to let them know what is going on and why the changes are needed. She felt a good way to inform the employees are to have a committee for compensation and benefits. Ald. M. VanZuiden expressed the intention was to let the employees know but there is a time crunch and they were not able to do things as planned. With further discussion needed on the topic Ald. M. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Crosthwaite to push back the approval of Employee Health Insurance Contributions.

Old Business:
Ald. Mask explained they would like the cities help in getting the roof replaced on the old Drives building. They were able to get one estimate at the amount of $90,000 and waiting on two more estimates. Ald. Nederhoff does not think the city should put money in the old building he would rather see taxpayer’s money go to fix roads. Ald. VanZuiden asked who is going to be the developer, maybe the Historical Society. It was decided the Drives Building committee needed to have a deadline for the project. At the next meeting there will be a vote to fund raise and set a deadline in order to move forward.

Mayor’s Report
Mayor Russell included his written report.

Administrator’s Report:
The Amman’s are still working with the city to construct the storm drain; they are waiting on approval by the city engineer. Ed has received four responses to update the accounting software. Ed stated he would be bringing staff recommendation to the City Council on the March 21st meeting.

Marina Report:
Dan Clark included his written report.

Friends of the Windmill:
Lisa Sikkema included the committees written report.

Martin House Museum Report:
The financial report for the Martin House was included.

Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to enter closed session to discuss collective bargaining, setting the price for municipally owned property and personnel. Roll call vote (8 yes). The Council entered closed session at 6:49 PM.

Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Letcher to exit closed session. Roll call vote (8 yes). The Council exited closed session at 7:49 PM.

Administrator Cannon asked for the Councils opinion on the updated Capital Improvements Budget. Under the Economic Development section the funding source should be listed as water/sewer bond. Under the Marina sections it was confirmed there is still $73,000 in reserves.

With no further business, Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to adjourn. With voice agreement the meeting adjourned at 8:28 PM.

March 7, 2016
5:30 PM

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Pledge of allegiance

4. Communication from visitors

5. Consent Agenda (All items in the consent agenda will be enacted by a single motion and roll call vote. Any item may be removed upon request by the Mayor or any Alderman and considered individually after all other items of business on the consent agenda).

A. Approval of February 16, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes and February 22, 2016 Continuation Meeting Minutes (pages 1-4)

Action: Motion to approve Consent Agenda

6. Rule on Items Removed from Consent Agenda

7 Items for Consideration:

A. Single Family Purchase Rehabilitation Program (page 5)

Summary: Rock Island Economic Growth will have a ribbon cutting and open house on March 13th for the four homes purchased and rehabilitated using the $250,000 Attorney General National Home Foreclosure Settlement grant.

B. Heritage Residential Subdivision Reclassification

Summary: Discussion on reclassifying the two remaining residential lots to allow the city to allow the city to seek bids for their sale. The lots are currently classified “surplus” which limits the purchase price to not less than 80% of the appraised value. In 2011 the city converted the northern ballfield at Pleasure Park to create 5 single family residential lots and invested $114,876.00 in public infrastructure. To date three lots have sold for a total of $93,200.00.

Action: Motion to reclassify lots “non-surplus”

C. Offer to sell land to the City (page 6)

Summary: Mr. James Trimble has offered to sell 3.64 acres to the City of Fulton for $75,000. The property borders Heritage Canyon to the north and the Andresen Nature Center to the west.

Action: Discussion
D. Employee Health Insurance contributions

Summary: Recommendation to change employee and family health insurance cost sharing to 10% for employees and 25% for families. Last year the Council implemented a 0%/50% policy; however the FOP contract reduced contributions to 10%/25% (25% phased in over three years: year 1, 15%; year 2, 20%; year 3, 25%). Changing to a 10%/25% contribution plan aligns all employees with the FOP and is in line with the regional average.

Action: Approve new cost sharing policy

8. Old Business

A. Drives Building

Action: Discussion

9. Reports

Mayor (pages 7-9)
Administrator (page 10)
Aldermen Reports
Marina Committee (page 11)
Friends of the Windmill (page 12)
Martin House Museum (page 13)

10: Budget Workshop

11. Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining, setting the price for municipally owned property, and personnel

12. Return to Open Session

13. Adjourn

City of Fulton
Continuation of February 16, 2016 Regular Council Meeting
February 22,2016

Mayor Russell called the meeting back to order at 5:30 PM and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Margaret Crosthwaite, Sue VanKampen, Wes Letcher, Mike VanZuiden and Howard VanZuiden answered, “present.” Also in attendance were Ed Cannon (City Administrator), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), James Rhoades (Chief of Police) and Clink Kettler (Zoning Officer).

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

Item for consideration is the budget workshop. Administrator Cannon provided a colored graph with the department/project descriptions up for consideration, he stated the budget was scheduled to be approved the next meeting on march 7, 2016 but going to delay and have another committee meeting before the approve. Items on the graph were colored according to importance/priority, items in green are covered by the budget, items in yellow are not covered by the budget (must make a decision which is the most important) and the item in red is not covered at all by the budget. Under RFCC website listed in yellow should be changed to green to be covered and recreational equipment changed to yellow because it is not considered top priority. Out of the three items in yellow “floor cut at well 3 to access booster pumps” is considered most important.

Ald. H. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. M. VanZuiden to resume executive session regarding collective bargaining. Roll call vote (8 yes). The council entered closed session at 6:39 PM.

Ald. Nederhoff motioned, seconded by Ald. Letcher to exit closed session. Roll call vote (8 yes). The council excited closed session at 7:02 PM.

With no further business, Ald. M. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. VanKampen to adjourn. With voice agreement the meeting was adjourned at 7:02 PM.

Minutes recorded by,

Lindsey Renkes
Fulton City Clerk

City of Fulton
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2016

Alderman Tem Mayor H. VanZuiden called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM announcing he would serve as Mayor Pro Tem and directed the city clerk to call the roll. On roll call Ald. Barbara Mask, Gene Field, Dan Nederhoff, Sue VanKampen, Mike VanZuiden and Wes Letcher answered “present.” Mayor Russell was absent and Ald. Margaret Crosthwaite and Lindsey Renkes (City Clerk) showed up late. Also in attendance were Ed Cannon (City Administrator), Bill Shirk (City Attorney), Regina Lehman (Tourism & Community Services Director), Dan Clark (Public Works Director), Jeremy Leitzen (Police Officer) and Amanda Fosdick (City Treasurer).

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Pastor Roy Ann Matthews gave the invocation.

Pro Tem Mayor VanZuiden asked if there were any visitors wishing to speak, there was no communication from any visitors.

First, Pro Temp Mayor VanZuiden asked if there were any questions regarding the items on the consent agenda; approve the meeting minutes from February 1, 2016, Treasurer’s Report, and Bill List. With no questions or concerns Ald. M. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Letcher to approve the items on the consent agenda. Roll call vote (7 yes, 1 absent).

Second, item for consideration was oath of office for Wes Letcher. Ald. Letcher took the oath of office as third ward alderman.

Third, after the presentation on the Drives Building from last meeting Ald. Mask asked if there were any questions or concerns, with a request for the alderman to tour both the Martin House and Drives building. Ald. Mask stated they would like to get the reception hall up and running as soon as possible, in order to do so they need to replace the roof. She is asking for the help of the city to get the roof replaced. Ald. Crosthwaite asked, “How much the roof is going to cost?” Jeff DenBesten does not have an estimate for the building yet, he has spoke with a company that will take a look at it while in town looking at the current Drives building. Jeff did know there are multi year warranties (up to 25 years) on the roof replacement. Ald. Nederhoff stated he struggles with the idea of the renovation because he is here for the taxpayers; instead of the renovation we should be fixing city streets. Ald. M. VanZuiden wanted to remind everyone about the issue with the Martin House in 2002, he passed out information and requested Alderman to read the meeting minutes during that timeframe with a final statement of “this project has merit but do not like the funding.” Pro temp Mayor VanZuiden wants a list of money figures showing how much everything is going to cost for the renovation.

Fourth, discuss any alternative proposals for the development of the old JT Cullen site. Administrator Cannon says there are no other proposals and there is nothing to discuss.

Fifth, to approve the Purchase Agreement and Ordinance with Bear Capital, LLC. There was one comment made by City Attorney Shirk referencing section 16.9. This section states that the purchaser could sell the property to someone else for more than they paid. As long as it’s a fair price there should be no worries of the purchaser selling the property to anyone else. With no further questions or concerns Ald. VanKampen motioned, seconded by Ald. Mask to approve the Purchasing Agreement and Ordinance with Bear Capital, LLC. Roll call vote (7 yes).

Sixth, Ed Cannon and Dan Clark came up with a mitigation plan to follow if the City of Fulton were to ever suffer from a natural disaster. With this mitigation plan in effect it qualifies the town for funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). With no further questions or concerns Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. Letcher to approve Resolution 261 Adopting the Mitigation Plan. Roll call vote (7 yes).

Seventh, Public Works Director Clark received two quotes to fix the bar screen at the water treatment plant. Based on the two quotes Clark would recommend to go with the quote for $15,000, it really needs to be fixed and would fix the problem the city workers are currently doing. Ald. Field asked who would be adjusting the bar screen in the future, Clark clarified no city worker with touch the new screen once set up and running. With no further questions or concerns Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. M. VanZuiden to approve using Fund 55 reserves to repair the bar screen at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Roll call vote (7 yes).

Eighth, to approve the City Auditor Engagement with WIPFLi. WIPFLi served as Fulton’s Independent auditor for the year ending April 30, 2015. The fee for this service is $16,800 which is a $300 increase over last year. At this point in time the city does not want to change auditors. With no further questions or concerns Ald. Letcher motioned, seconded by Ald. Nederhoff to approve to Engage WIPFLi as Fulton’s auditor for 2016.

Old Business:
Pro Tem Mayor VanZuiden asked if there was any old business to discuss, there were no comments or concerns.

Administrator’s Report:
Administrator Cannon included his written report.

Public Works Director Report:
Director Clark included his written report.

Police Chief Report:
Chief Rhoades included his written report.

Tourism/RFCC Director:
Director Lehman included her written report. Regina pointed out a graph in her report that compares Fulton/Whiteside County to other counties in our area.

Ald. Mask motioned, seconded by Ald. M. VanZuiden to enter closed session regarding collective bargaining and employment of city employees. Roll call vote (7 yes). The council entered closed session at 6:40 PM.

Ald. M. VanZuiden motioned, seconded by Ald. Nederhoff to exit closed session. Roll call vote (7 yes). The council exited closed session at 7:22 PM.

With no further business, Ald. Letcher motioned to continue the meeting on February 22, 2016 at 5:30 PM.

Minutes recorded by,

Lindsey Renkes
Fulton City Clerk