De Immigrant Windmill

Glimpses of Fulton

Fulton Envelope - First Settler John Baker 1835 and Dr. Enno Musk 1938

The people and events of Fulton's history step from newspapers, books, and diaries to the Internet via local historian Nancy Kolk's blog.

"The City of Fulton is beautifully situated on the Narrows of the Mississippi River...The general healthfulness of the place is a matter never controverted, and is accounted for by its favorable location, the excellence of the water, and the enforced cleanliness of the city...As a point for manufacturing and commercial purposes Fulton has no superior on the river."

-- 1877, Charles Bent's HISTORY OF WHITESIDE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, p. 162-3.

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see."

-- Winston Churchill

To learn more about Fulton's history, please visit

Published in Historical Articles